plant poachingの例文


  1. Illegal plant poaching has posed a major threat to " Ceratozamia " species.
  2. Plant poaching is of far lesser concern, as this species is not particularly sought after in the carnivorous plant hobby and its epiphytic habit makes it largely inaccessible to collectors.
  3. While none of these efforts curb the biggest threats-urban development and habitat destruction-they aim to help reduce plant poaching while at the same time making these plants available to future generations.


  1. "plant pit"の例文
  2. "plant plankton"の例文
  3. "plant planning"の例文
  4. "plant plastid"の例文
  5. "plant poacher"の例文
  6. "plant poison"の例文
  7. "plant poisoning"の例文
  8. "plant poisonings"の例文
  9. "plant population"の例文
  10. "plant population ecology"の例文
  11. "plant plastid"の例文
  12. "plant poacher"の例文
  13. "plant poison"の例文
  14. "plant poisoning"の例文

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